Affiliate Program Terms of Service

1. Introduction

By applying and participating in the Puffin Pages Co Affiliate Program ("Program"), you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms ("Terms of Service").

Puffin Pages Co ("we" or "us") reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service with or without notice. Your continued participation will be deemed as consent to such changes.

Violation of the Terms of Service may result in the termination of your Affiliate Account and forfeiture of any outstanding commission payments earned during the violation.

2. Eligibility and Application to the Program

In order to be eligible for the Program, you must:

  • be at least 18 years old;
  • have a website, blog or social media page (“your site”);
  • have content on your site that is relevant to the topics of planners, productivity and organisation; and
  • have an appropriate amount of content on your site and demonstrable audience.

Applications to the Program can be made via the sign-up form ( You must provide your full name, a valid email address and any other information required on the form. Your application should also specify the channels or sites on which you wish to place your referral link and coupon code, along with their URL.

Once the form is submitted, we shall review your application and contact you via email with the outcome of your application within 7 business days. We reserve the right to reject applications without providing a reason.

By applying and participating in the Program, you also consent to us:

  • sending you emails relating to the Program;
  • monitoring, recording, using, and disclosing information about your site and visitors to your site that we obtain in connection with your display of referral links in accordance with the Privacy Policy (; and
  • monitoring your site to verify compliance with the Terms of Service.

3. Links and Graphics on Your Site

Once you have joined as an Affiliate, you will be provided with a unique referral link (“referral link”) and a customisable coupon code (“coupon code”) to share with your audience. You are permitted to place links, banners, or other marketing assets that we provide via the Affiliate Dashboard on your site.

You are responsible for ensuring your referral link and coupon code are formatted and published accurately on your site.

4. Responsibility for Your Site

You will be solely responsible for your site and/or platform, including its development, operation, and maintenance and all materials that appear on or within it.

Subject to the laws of the country you are operating in, you are responsible for disclosing to your audience that you are an Affiliate of Puffin Pages Co and that you receive a commission from purchases made via your referral link or purchases made with your coupon code.

5. Qualifying Sales

A qualifying sale occurs when a customer uses your referral link to visit the Puffin Pages Co Site ( and complete a purchase and/or uses your coupon code to complete a purchase.

The Program uses browser cookies to verify qualifying sales. The cookie duration is set at fourteen (14) days. This means that an Affiliate can receive a commission for a qualifying sale if the sale was made within fourteen (14) days of the customer clicking the referral link, as long as the Affiliate was the last referrer. Alternatively, you can also receive a commission if the customer applied your coupon code at checkout and completed the purchase.

As an Affiliate, you may purchase Puffin Pages Co products through your own referral link or with your coupon code.

6. Commissions

The commission rate is 5% of qualifying sales, excluding any discounts, shipping cost, fees or taxes ("standard commission rate"). We may, from time to time, increase this rate for selected affiliates, taking into consideration factors such as audience size and sales performance.

Commissions are not paid on sales that are cancelled, refunded, returned, or on any transaction that results in a chargeback. Commissions are subject to review for fraudulent activity.

We reserve the right to withhold commissions for any legitimate reason.

7. Payment Schedule

Payment of commissions earned ("payout") will be made on the 15th of each month. If this date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or UK bank holiday, then the payout will be made on the next business day.

The minimum payout amount (“payment threshold”) for each month is £10 GBP. If the amount of your commission earned did not pass this payment threshold by the 15th of the month, then the amount will be brought forward to the next month.

All payouts will be made via PayPal. You must ensure that you provide us with a valid and accurate PayPal email address.

You are responsible for paying any taxes, fees or charges incurred as a result of your participation in the Program.

8. Partnerships and Collaborations

From time to time, Puffin Pages Co may contact Affiliates regarding opportunities for a partnership or collaboration. This may include, but is not limited to, sponsored content or posts on their site.

Payment and other terms for such partnerships or collaborations will be agreed upon between Puffin Pages Co and the Affiliate on a case-by-case basis.

9. Termination of Affiliate Accounts

We may terminate any Affiliate accounts that are no longer active. Inactivity is defined as not having made a successful referral or not receiving any payout within the period of six (6) months.

As an Affiliate, you may terminate your account at any point during your participation.

Upon termination, a notification email will be sent to the Affiliate and a final payment of any commission accrued, if above the payment threshold, will be paid out to the Affiliate.

10. Relationship of Parties

Nothing in the Terms of Service will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. You do not have authority to make or accept any offers or representations on Puffin Pages Co’s behalf. You will not make any statement, on your site or otherwise, that reasonably would contradict anything in this Section.

11. Limitation of Liabilities

We will not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages (or any loss of revenue, profits, or data) arising in connection with the Terms of Service or the Program, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, our aggregate liability arising with respect to the Terms of Service and the Program will not exceed the total commission paid or payable to you under the Terms of Service.

12. Disclaimer

Puffin Pages Co makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Program or any products sold through the Program or the Puffin Pages Co Site (including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). In addition we make no representation or warranties that our operation will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors.

These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.